Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 9 April 2024, 10:00am - Staffordshire County Webcasting
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 9th April 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
1. Apologies
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Mandy Pattinson
Agenda item :
2. Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2024
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Agenda item :
4. Digital Innovation & Strategy Update
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Kath Perry
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Mike Davies
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
5. Customer Experience Strategy update
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Jeremy Pert
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Kath Perry
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Mike Worthington
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Mike Worthington
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
6. Cabinet's response to MTFS Working Group report
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Mandy Pattinson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
7. Climate Change Working Group report on Carbon Sequestration and Woodland creation - Cabinets response
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Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Gill Heath
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Cllr Nigel Yates
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Agenda item :
8. Work Programme
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Mandy Pattinson
Cllr Samantha Thompson
Webcast Finished